Monday, May 17, 2010

Tempus Fugit

Time, does indeed fly.

I have been thinking about that a lot lately. It moves much faster than I would like to admit to sometimes. I mean just a year ago, I was sitting in Belle Plaine Iowa, on a mission for my church. Two years ago, I was in Macy, Nebraska, doing the same. Five years ago, I was still in High School.

Five years. Dang. I mean it sure only seems like it was a few weeks, at MOST a few months ago. I dunno its just weird. I can remember people telling me that Time would fly once I turned 18, and Doggone it, they were right! I know that this is a totally strange blog, with this reminiscence and all, but hey I am 21! I HAVE A RIGHT.

I also realize that I am still young, and I really have nothing to complain about. I mean sure time flies, but its not like I am 45, and living in mothers basement. (Besides, that would never happen ANYWAY, because my father wold be all LOLOL NO. GTFO.) so yeah. I am really loving life right now too. I mean I have a job that is providing decent money, I have transportation (that, as it is sucks down 8 miles a GALLON, but that can change) I have a place to live, and I have my family, well, short of one brother who is in the Philippines. so yeah.

you know, someday I will learn how to write a proper paragraph, so that when I post these random blitherings, they will at least make sense GRAMMATICALLY. Because everyone loves good grammar. Its just proper! (Oh ho ho! A pun!) Anyway I made my statement, so I am going to get back to the important things.

You know, Listening to The Cranberries, and playing Bejeweled 2. :D

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well then, I guess thats how it is.

I found my self wondering today, why.

Now many people are going to look at that last sentence, and have any myriad of different thoughts. Why did I decide to get up so early this morning? Why did I go and have that second burrito? Why is that guy Cutting me... Why is he getting s close!? WHY IS IS HIS CAR IN MY LANE!? WHY IS HE SWERVING LIKE THAT!? (Answer? He was Texting. Srsly. I looked over at him with some SCORN, and he was in the MIDDLE of a text.)

But that is not the Why, I had in mind. Infact, now that I have just finished working with a customer, I have no clue what I was talking about.

Apparently, it was an unimportant subject.

I did Have some stuff I wanted to talk about, Mostly about nothing. I sometimes just like to sit and let the keyboard do the talking. (and for those of you wondering, my Keyboard DOES talk, and he asks simply, that I stop eating sandwiches at the desk. The crumbs hurt his keys.) I mean isint that what a blog should be? A simple entry discussing the life of someone. A statement made by another member of this human race, detailing his struggle to get ahead. I see my little internet canvas as something more f a journal. A record of feelings that I have, how my days were, not what I feel about .

I guess I am old fashioned in that regard. I'ts why I never update my blog with something other than random whimsy. I never feel like I have something thats important to add to the giant blogosphere. I see these blogs that have huge followings, people that read them daily, and more comments than I have ever given on the 'net.

Im listening to A death Cab for Cutie song. Im thinking about what I want. There isin't much actually. I have a place to live right now, I have a car to drive, I have a job. These are all good things. The necessaries of life. Food clothing, transportation. I would like to have a Girlfriend. I know that seems shallow to say over the net, but its true.

I want a new computer. Stupid little thing, but its a want.

I want a Ford F-150. Not so little, HUGE do want.

I want to be surrounded by good friends. Don't get me wrong, I have GREAT friends. Emily, Nick, Zak, Tiana. Awesome people, but some of them are way to far away from me to like it.

I want a Zune HD 32 Gig. Totally buying it for my birthday. ACAUSE IT WILL BE MY BIRTDAY PRESENT TO MAH SELF.

Jeez I want this blog to make sense. Sorry Folks. I just have no Idea what I am doing with this right now. SOMEONE INSPIRE ME.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Top Ten songs - In no order

So I posted over on Twitter About my top ten songs, right at this moment. They are here in slightly different order than on Twitter. Here goes the Explanation!

1. Zombie, The Cranberries: Ok, This is on the list because I just rediscovered them about a week ago, and I forgot how awesome their music is, and this song especially.

2. I don't Want to set the world on Fire - The Ink Spots: Started playing Fallout 3 again. This song gets instantly stuck in my head forever when I do so. Loove it.

3. Just Breathe - Pearl Jam: I heard this song, and Had to stop what I was doing and listen to it. I have never really liked Pearl Jam, but this song is amazing. I like how it has the sad overtone that we are all going to die someday, but because of that we should all stick together. Awesome Song.

4. Why don't you get a Job? - The Offspring: Really? Do I need to explain why an Offspring song is on the list? Ok, I have always liked this song. I first heard it many moons ago, Playing Crazy Taxi in the arcade (aand on my Gamecube) for HOURS. It is what got me hooked on The Offspring :D

5. Better Half - Frank Turner: I dunno How many of you have heard of Frank Turner, but My dear friend Emily got me hooked on him recently. Its a song about how somewhere out in the world, is his better half. Somewhere Is Missus right. He is singing to loneliness. Telling it that there is his better half out there. Love this song.

6. Linger - The Cranberries: Like I said, I found them again recently, and I just love their stuff. its pretty much awesome.

7. Brick - Ben Folds Five: I really honestly forgot how much I liked this song. I mean the melody, the lyrics, its just awesome stuff. I love the statement, She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly. Something bad is happening to the poor girl. and its never really explained (However, thats as far as I know, IF anyone knows the story behind Brick LEMME KNOW!) Its just a sad song. good though.

8. I'll Follow you into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie: This is honestly one of the few songs I get emotional to. It has some serious emotional ties to certain people. and it just brings them right to the front of my mind. Its hard for me to even type about it. Just a really awesome song, that... that really means a lot to me.

9. Telephone - Pomplamoose Cover version: This is NOT the original Version of GaGa's hit. Its a much more, lounge-y jazzed out mix of Telephone, and its VERY catchy. I just find my foot tapping along weather I have a choice or not. Check it out.

10. Jet Lag - Frank Turner: Another song by Frank, Also from Emily. I really like this song. Its melodic, its quiet, the Piano is spectacular, and Its just in general a good song. He is singing about how he has gone over Thousands of miles, and 15 different girlfriends, but she (the one he want) is always 16 hours ahead. How he wants her. and he cant get back to her. The greatest line ever is in the song as well. "Distance Kills the best of Intentions" WHICH IS AS SAD AS IT IS TRUE.

Anyway, that s my Top ten for now. Ill do this once in a while, Get some stuff up here to listen to. Much love to yall.

-Austin J